Ft. Lauderdale
Ft. Lauderdale
954-668-7832 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 5:00 Ft. Lauderdale, FL
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Online TV

Create an online TV channel for your brand.

Broadcast your content in a linear or on-demand way through a custom embeddable player and engage your audience.


Create your TV channel

The perfect platform to quickly and easily create a custom TV channel for your brand.

Add content from multiple sources

Add videos from YouTube, Vimeo or direct links to your hosting. Schedule them at fixed times or simply add them as a playlist.

Embed the player wherever

Embed the channel on your website or webapp.

Engage your audience with a custom TV channel

Channels are simple to create.  We customize the player with your logo, social media links and your brand color keeping the style of your site.

Channel types:


 On demand (VOD)

Build a live linear scheduled channel

We makes it easy for you to build a 24/7 linear channel with continuous programming. You can schedule your content at predetermined times on a daily or weekly basis.

All your audience will see the same content at the same time, just like a linear TV schedule.


Create your ideal Video on Demand channel with ease

We can create an on demand channel so that your viewers can interact with the player controls, jump to the next video or to a specific video in the playlist.

You will get a unique URL for each video to share driving more traffic to your site and helping your visitors spend more time with your brand.

Collect all your content in one place

Add videos from Youtube, Vimeo or direct links to your hosting. Tag them and add them to the channels.

Embed the player on your website or webapp

It’s super simple to embed a channel, we simply paste the embed code on your site and any changes made make will be automatically reflected, without having to replace the code.

The player is designed and developed to run in all the platforms as web, Android, iOS and Smart TV’s.